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A collection of LIFE’s latest news, articles, and success stories. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our latest updates and announcements.
Arts Alive
Even as the arts have taken on a new shape in the virtual world, they have remained very much alive at LIFE.
Becca is Thriving Right at Home
A three-year resident of LIFE’s group home in Centerville, Becca is thriving.
LIFE Athletes Win Medals at the Special Olympics Games
Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE) is pleased to announce numerous awards from the Special Olympics USA Games, held June 5–12, 2022, in Orlando, Florida, and Special Olympics state games held at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, June 11, 2022. Cape Cod and Plymouth communities were well represented with a total of 58 LIFE athletes competing at these two games.
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Main Office:
550 Lincoln Road Ext.
Hyannis, MA 02601
Tel. 508-790-3600
Fax. 508-778-4919 info@lifecapecod.org
Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE) is a non-profit with multiple locations throughout Southeast Massachusetts on Cape Cod and in Plymouth supporting adults with autism, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities in their pursuit of a happy, independent life.