Planned Giving

With very little effort, you can make a big difference in the lives of the people supported by Living
Independently Forever, Inc. for generations to come with a legacy gift through your will.

A legacy gift to LIFE:

  • Costs you nothing during your lifetime
  • Preserves your savings and cash flow
  • Allows you to be far more generous than you ever thought possible
  • Is easy to arrange – a simple paragraph added to your will is all that is needed

Customize and send this paragraph to your attorney for inclusion in your will:

{ I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Living Independently Forever, Inc., with offices at 550 Lincoln Road Extension, Hyannis, MA 02601, federal tax ID 22-3190452, or its successors in interest, the sum of $ _* exclusive of my lifetime donations, if any, for its general charitable purposes.** }

*Your attorney may change this to a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount, if you prefer. ** Planned Gifts do not constitute payment for services rendered by LIFE.

Many of you have told us that you have already added LIFE to your planned giving. Thank you!
Please let us know about your plans by completing the form below.

For assistance, please contact Jenn Hamm, Director Finance via email or call LIFE at (508) 790-3600.

Become a Legacy Society Member

Please let LIFE know about your planned gift by providing the following information:


Give to LIFE

Giving Options

Planned Giving

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Can You Picture Yourself At LIFE?

Living Independently Forever, Inc. is a non-profit with multiple locations throughout Southeast Massachusetts supporting adults with autism, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities in their pursuit of a happy, independent life.

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If you're interested in LIFE or have any questions, please contact us. We'd love to hear from you.

Main Office:

550 Lincoln Road Ext.
Hyannis, MA 02601


Tel. 508-790-3600
Fax. 508-778-4919 [email protected]

Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE) is a non-profit with multiple locations throughout Southeast Massachusetts on Cape Cod and in Plymouth supporting adults with autism, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities in their pursuit of a happy, independent life.